Car Booking

Car Booking


Economy Car

Car Booking


Economy Car

Car Booking


Economy Car

Safari Toyota Rav4


Economy Car

Toyota Voxy Noah 5Seater


Economy Car


Car Booking Tour, Hotels & Safari .Tours with Global Hotels & Safaris

Tour Hotels & Safari Tours Packages get more enjoyable here at GLOBAL HOTELS & SAFARIS. Book over1200,000 hotels and tours here. We offer the Best Negotiated Prices on Tour, Hotels & Safari  . Save big over  40% with us, We are the best  travel agencies. There Are no booking fees.Reservation Response in less than 24Hrs , 24/7  customer service,Book/Reserve your hotel through whats app and get Immediate response.

Our bookings are secure with quick confirmation. We guarantee you best prices that you will hardly find anywhere globally. Book Hotels, Safari Tours, Apartments, Villas, Hostels or Resorts. Book anywhere from Africa, Asia, Europe or America.

Other services include ,Air ticketing both local and international ,Transportation, Car Hire services and Tour Planning services

Offices: Kenya: Kafico  Complex Suite  N0 4

Email TEL/Whats app +254774402222 

Uganda: Dfcu House Suite No3

Tanzania :Rita Towers Suite No 6 Email