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Penuel Plaza Hotel

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Penuel Plaza Hotel is located in Kimana, Kajiado County. It is a suitable place to relax en-route to Mount Kilimanjaro, whose snow-capped peak is visible from the hotel.planning to Hike Kilimajaro ,this is the best hotel to stay

Breakfast included


Penuel Plaza Hotel is located in Kimana, Kajiado County. It is a suitable place to relax en-route to Mount Kilimanjaro, whose snow-capped peak is visible from the hotel.planning to Hike Kilimajaro ,this is the best hotel to stay

Breakfast included


Penuel Plaza Hotel is located in Kimana, Kajiado County. It is a suitable place to relax en-route to Mount Kilimanjaro, whose snow-capped peak is visible from the hotel.planning to Hike Kilimajaro ,this is the best hotel to stay

Breakfast included


Africa Hotels
4 star
Along Loitoktok Road, Amboseli, Kenya
Any time
1 nights

Penuel Plaza Hotel  amboseli ,hotel  located in Kimana, Kajiado County. It is a suitable place to relax en-route to Mount Kilimanjaro, whose snow-capped peak is visible from the hotel.

Penuel Plaza Hotel has stylishly furnished en-suite rooms. Facilities to get in the rooms include a reading desk and a television.

The restaurant within Penuel Plaza Hotel serves sumptuous local and international dishes. There is an onsite bar too. WiFi and conference facilities are some of the essentials business travelers get here.

Guests enjoy game drives to see different wildlife species of this region.

Penuel Plaza Hotel is close to Mount Kilimanjaro, and Amboseli National Park is 22km away.

Policies of Penuel Plaza Hotel

Any time
Free cancellation up to 2 days

Amenities of Penuel Plaza Hotel

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Penuel Plaza Hotel Amboseli, Kenya

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